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Top 4 Interesting Facts About Russia That Will Blow Your Mind

By UniCreds
February 2, 2021 •
Facts About Russia

As per the reports of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Russia has a more educated population than popular countries like the USA, Canada, Japan, and Israel. More than 50% of Russians have higher education qualifications. One of the most impressive facts about Russia is that it welcomes more than 270,000 people from almost 170 nations to its universities. 

There’s no denying that Russia is the leading country for academic excellence in natural sciences, physics and mathematics. Several Russian universities offer students traditional courses, specialised programmes, short courses, language courses, professional development courses and additional vocational training. Many of the top universities in Russia feature highly in the list of best universities in the world. Moreover, the cost of studying in Russia is affordable. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation revealed that the cost of studying a full-time Bachelor’s Degree Programme at a university in Russia is around 83,000 roubles a year (1,186 US dollars). The cost of living, too, is quite affordable, especially in areas outside Moscow or Saint Petersburg. 

Interesting Facts About Russia

Now that you’re aware of the academic chops of Russia, let’s take a look at the country as a whole. Russia offers you a masterclass in history and culture. Spanning two continents and eleven time zones, Russia is easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In order to get a glimpse of this wonderful country, let’s take a look at amazing facts about Russia. 

Facts about Russia – Geography 

Russia is the largest country (by area) in the world. The total area of Russia is 17,075,400 square kilometres and it covers more than a ninth of the Earth’s land area. 

The cosy village of Suzdal is only 15 kilometres but has an incredible 53 churches.

Russia is 60% forest. Interestingly, half of that forest area is completely uninhabited by humans.

The only sound in the vault beneath the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad is the steady ticking of a metronome.

Russia is not only about tundra and taiga. You can even go trekking on volcanoes in Russia.

Russia has more time zones (11) than any other country in the world. However, since 2011, the country has only used nine.

There is a dumping ground for nuclear waste in Russia called Lake Karachay. This place is so radioactive that standing for one hour near it would almost certainly kill you.

You can find the coldest inhabited place in the world in Russia. On February 6, 1933, Oymyakon, recorded a temperature of −67.7 °C.

Russia is home to the longest river in Europe – the Volga, measuring 3,690 km (2,293 miles) long.

Historical Facts About Russia 

Here is one of the most amazing facts about St Petersburg Russia – The famous hotel in St Petersburg, The Hotel Astoria, was the place Hitler planned to hold a huge celebratory party once he’d conquered the city. 

The famous Red Square in Russia is derived from the word “Krasnyi”, which means “beautiful”. It has no connection to communism.

The infamous Russian wooden doll, matryoshka, actually originated from Japan.

St. Petersburg has almost 3x as many bridges as Venice.

The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through 8 time zones, crosses 87 cities and towns, and goes through 16 rivers including the Volga, thus etching its name in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest single railway in the world.

Moscow has the most beautiful underground railway system in the world. 

Interesting Facts About Russia

It is speculated that there is a secret metro system called Metro-2, which links a collection of military bunkers.

There are around 11 million more women than men in Russia.

Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards. This is one of the strangest facts about Russia.

The Ter Sami language of the Kola Peninsula is on the verge of extinction. Only two people speak it.

The Russians once built a completely circular warship.

Briefly, in the Nineties, PepsiCo had one of the largest submarine fleets in the world because of a deal with Russia.

Facts about Russia – Games, Sports and Entertainment 

The Hermitage, arguably Russia’s greatest museum, is home to around 70 cats, which guard the artefacts against rodents.

Speaking of The Hermitage, if you spend 2 mins looking at each exhibit here, it would take you 6 years to see everything.

Tetris was invented in Russia by a programmer and scientist named Alexey Pazhitnov.

The city of Moscow has more billionaires per capita than anywhere else on earth.

Russia is home to the largest McDonald’s restaurant in the world (700 seats).

Some Russians play Helicopter-Golf. Players guide one meter in diameter ball through a snowy route, using a 10-kilogram stick. All of this happens while players fly a helicopter.

“Vodka” is derived from the word “voda”, which means “water”.

Because of the Julian calendar, in 1908, the Russian Olympic team reached London 12 days late.

Every year, around 10,000 British tourists visit Russia. Over 90% of them go only to Moscow and/or St Petersburg. This is one of the most interesting facts about Russia.

You can find the world’s most terrifying walkway in Russia. It is called the SkyBridge.

Interesting Facts About Russia

Former President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, recorded an album of romantic ballads.

Facts about Russia – Culture

With more than 27 hectares of land, over 2.5 kilometres of walls, 20 independent towers, Moscow’s Kremlin is the biggest active medieval fortress in the world. 

There is a particular day in Russia when Russians volunteer to clean up the streets. This day is called Subbotnik.

Russians have a delicacy called kholodets or simply, Chicken’s foot soup.

After Tokyo and Seoul, Moscow has the busiest metro system in the world with more than 6 million daily commuters.

Russians love their cloakrooms. Be ready to be asked to put your coat or bag in a cloakroom when visiting a restaurant, bar, museum and gallery.

If you want to settle in well in Russia, consider giving out flowers to residents as it shows good etiquette. However, remember to give them out in odd numbers only. Unless it’s a funeral. Funerals attract even numbers of flowers. 

According to WHO, Russians are the world’s fourth-biggest drinkers after Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania. The UK comes in at 25th. This is one of the most unbelievable facts about Russia.

The life expectancy of men in Russia is 65 years, which is lower than countries like North Korea and Iraq. Russian women, on the other hand, have a life expectancy of 76 years.

“Whale Bone Alley” can be found in Yttygran Island. This is the place in Russia where remains of marine mammals are arranged. 

Despite most Russians being kind and polite, students in Russia are taught not to smile in school.

Russians love to pickle everything. This includes beetroot, cucumbers and even former leaders! 

Newly married couples in Russia immediately go on a city tour after their wedding ceremony. 

It is considered ‘lame’ to lower the ear flaps on your Ushanka (fur hat) unless the temperature outside drops below -20C.

Moscow is notorious for its terrible traffic. In fact, wealthy Russians hire fake ambulances to beat traffic jams.

Russian women walk around in 6-inch heels.

It is estimated that almost half of the entire Russian police force take bribes. They are also notorious for shaking down foreigners for “paperwork infringements”.

There’s a chain of cafes in Russia where everything is free. How much money you pay depends on how long you stay at the cafe. This is one of the most astonishing facts about Russia.

Russians never shake hands over a doorway, as it is believed to be a bad omen. 

Western politicians are not welcome at a duty-free store in at least one terminal.


1.What is the most interesting fact about Russia?

One of the most interesting facts about Russia is that it has the world’s longest railway. Another thrilling fact is that it has 12 active volcanoes. Now isn’t that crazy?

2.What is Russian best known for?

Russia is best known for the gorgeous capital that is Moscow. The Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theater, the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, and many more iconic Russian landmarks can be found in the city.

3.What is Russia’s old name? What are historical facts about Russia?

Russia is a huge country that reaches across eastern Europe and northern Asia. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in December 1991, Russia, once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR; usually known as the Soviet Union), became an independent country.

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