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Which Countries Offers Health Benefits To International Students?

By UniCreds •
August 18, 2021 •
Countries Offers Health Benefits To International Students

Healthcare benefits to international students are provided by many countries worldwide. When you decide to study abroad, Healthcare is one of the most important verticals that a student considers. Countries have different policies and security for international students when it comes to health and wellness. Below I will help you with 5 countries i.e, the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand and explain to you how health benefits to international students operate in these nations.

5 Countries Offering Health Benefits To International Students

The United Kingdom

The International students who are travelling to the UK for studying purposes can expect to receive free treatments from the UK’s National Health Service also known as NHS. This organization provides free healthcare to every UK resident which is funded by the federal government.

To receive free treatment from the National Health Service, you must meet the following criteria:

  • A full-time course study in the UK for more than 6 months
  • Your course is extensively funded by the UK government
  • You are a resident of a country that falls in the European Union (EU) 
  • For a non-EU student, your nation must have a bilateral agreement
  • If you are living in the country while your wife or husband is a student and meets any of the above criteria
  • If you are a dependent of someone who falls in the above criteria (a child under the age of 16 or under 19 studying full time)

Even if you don’t meet any of the above-given criteria, then it is highly recommended that you get suitable health care insurance ready; but remember that emergency treatments in NHS and A+E walk-in centres will not have an impact on your insurance. 

Germany | Health Benefits To International Students

Germany takes its international student’s health care quite seriously hence many students opt to study in this country. Also, the importance is rather twofold. It not only ensures that the students get the right medical assistance, but it is also an essential requirement to get a study visa in Germany. The German law clearly states that everyone must have health insurance, including foreign students. 

The students who are enrolled in degree programmes are allowed to get public health insurance. The students who take language courses or are in preparatory over the age of 30 need to get a private health insurance plan. 

The following points will tell you the non-eligibility of public health insurance schemes in Germany:

  • Students who have health insurance in their native land and that is recognized by the German Government.
  • Anyone studying above the age of 30
  • Self-employed students working as a freelancer. 
  • Students who are not a part of degree programmers in German Universities
  • Post-graduate (MS) students and scholarship holders (with no contract of employment)
  • Guest researchers and Scientists

If you belong to any of the above-mentioned categories then your only option is to get private health insurance. 

Australia | Health Benefits To International Students

For international students studying in Australia, you are indispensable to have an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire time of your education in Australia. For undertaking studies in Australia, students obtain OSHC that covers their hospital treatment, visit the doctor, ambulance cover, limited medicines. OSHC insurers can help you with a variety of different OSHC products. This may vary from basic products to comprehensive products. The basic products cover the mandatory minimum services whereas the extensive list covers the basic products along with extra services as specifies under the OSHC policy. 

Canada | Health Benefits To International Students

Canadian health care varies from province to province. So no umbrella service can help all the international students travelling to Canada. If you are studying in Alberta then the policies are different for you, if you are studying in Ontario then the policies are different for you. So it varies from one province to another. For any foreign student planning to study in Canada, you must familiarize yourself with the health care that is offered in your province. Some provinces do cover the cost under provincial health insurance plans for international students whereas the majority of provinces require the students to register for private health insurance packages. 

New Zealand

The New Zealand health care system is highly respected hence students prefer to study in this country. It consists of public and private components. The District Health board that falls under public health care is heavily funded by general taxation and is also the primary means of medical treatment in the country. International students are required to buy the insurance which grants them access to the public healthcare component through a specified provider. The standard structure for receiving medical help in New Zealand is for the students to contact the primary general practitioners who will make the referrals to the specialists if required. In the case of foreign students, this primary provider is the host university’s medical centre.

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