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Top 6 Unique Ways of Making Your University Applications Shine

By UniCreds •
November 27, 2020 •
Ways of Making Your University Applications Shine

So you’ve made the decision on what to study, and you’ve found a strong idea of where you’d like to get your head down for university? Now’s the time to ensure your application shouts I’m the one for you! Certain university applications are challenging. There is a negative association between the rank of a university or course and the applicant-to-offers ratio, as you might expect. This ratio is a fascinating number to look at, but don’t waste any time dwelling on it. Most universities don’t have statistics on enrollment. You should be diligent in pursuing your professional ambitions and maximizing your subject-related knowledge if you are doing anything to enhance your ability to obtain the bid. Here are special Ways of Making Your University Applications Shine from a swarm of prospective students who are just as willing.

Researching your course

If you want to stand out in university admissions departments, research is crucial. Regarding material and modules, university courses differ widely. English Literature at Newcastle, for example, could provide a different experience and modules for the same Nottingham Trent course. Find out what the courses you have applied for have in common when you submit the same university questionnaire, and then adapt the application accordingly. This makes it important around the board and gives a clear response as to why you are better to put there to review.

A perfect way to start is to talk to the admissions departments themselves. Contact the right departments with course-specific questions if there is anything you’re interested in.

Read challenging books on your chosen subject.

Course research leads on to this important point in the make-your-application-stand-out process: read, read, read! While your A-Level literature is brilliant for the moment, consider early investment in some course relevant books.

Recently, a Cambridge spokeswoman shared how necessary it is for individuals to be involved with their subject if they want to stand out from the crowd. Take a look at the lecture lists of the classes you are interested in, choose a few books you can really see yourself enjoying, and knuckle down a few times a week to challenge your existing experience.

Universities like students who love to learn, so don’t be shy to relate to any of the books you’ve read and how you have improved as a scientist/writer/designer (or whatever you specialize in). As well as an ability to learn, this also illustrates that universities have two other things that students love: aspiration and trust.


Volunteering is not only great for society; people around you and a feeling of satisfaction. It also looks fantastic in your university application.

Get course-related work experience.

While grades are, of course, the key criterion for admission from the point of view of a university evaluating candidates, those students with even a brief history of work experience would be regarded favorably. When entering tertiary education, this ability to challenge themselves and venture into their comfort zone is advantageous and shows a degree of sophistication.

In addition, activities are set out well in advance whilst in training, which allows students time to prepare and tackle them at their own pace. When young people are immersed in working life, though, they are potentially introduced to a world where coordination is very important, goals can change without warning, and pressing projects can occur in a moment and modify job plans.

Learn another language

If you’re browsing this a week before the deadline for the application, this tip may seem a little far-fetched.

If in your week you have one hour to two free to hone a talent, then why not pick up French beginners from where you left off?

You certainly won’t have enough time, of course, to become fluent, but you should give it a fair try. In your application, you should also convey that this is an aim you’re working for.

Incredible perseverance and advanced recall capabilities demonstrate the capacity to learn a language. It is inevitable that you will be mingling with classmates from all over the world at university. Learning a language will help build a distinctive degree of cultural empathy, a sure-fire way to stand out and to see you as a strong match for universities.

Improve your grades

Of course, your grades should have to be spot on for a university to give you an offer. If you are failing or feeling you would find it tough to reach your current grades – consider private tutoring to improve your test scores and practice some new revision strategies.

Make use of these Ways of Making Your University Applications Shine and you’ll have a great chance of winning your ideal college deal if you have an advantage over fellow students with your expected scores!

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