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Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

Wondering the reasons you never hear back after applying for a job? Waiting for an email or a call from an employer to schedule an interview and wondering why you haven’t been selected can be the most vexing part of the job search process. It’s especially tough when you apply for a job that’s perfect for your skills and experience. Why weren’t you picked? And why haven’t you heard from the employer after you spent so much time and effort writing a perfect cover letter to send with your well-written resume?

By spending some time reviewing your application, your qualifications, and the job posting, you may be able to answer some of those questions. More importantly, you may be able to alter your application process to land the interview next time.

Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

When Your Qualifications Don’t Measure Up

There can be a multitude of reasons you never hear back after applying for a job. Sometimes, there are limitations to your qualifications or flaws in how you have presented your candidacy. In other cases, your qualifications might have been enough, but they were outweighed by strong competition or an internal candidate. If this is the case for you, you can lower your sights to a more entry-level position and try to re-apply after you’ve gathered more experience. Emphasizing keywords from the job posting will showcase a more flattering position of your current qualification.

When Your Qualifications Have Nothing to Do With It

On the other hand, it might have nothing to do with you or the other applicants. Another one of the reasons you never hear back after applying for a job could be that no candidates are being called in for an interview. There isn’t much you can do about this situation, but it can give you peace of mind to know that your qualifications weren’t to blame. You can try calling the hiring manager to get the full story or look for news stories about the company. A slump in business may change plans to hire more employees.

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Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

It is hard to know the precise reasons why you aren’t getting called in for a particular interview. However, it can be helpful to reflect on some of the most common reasons why candidates aren’t selected as you improvise on your job search skills.

Here are the top reasons you never hear back after applying for a job. Along with tips for how to address issues that may have knocked you out of consideration. If it seems like any of these apply to your situation, be sure to tweak your application the next time you apply.

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Pattern Of Job-Hopping

The hiring manager may have concerns about a pattern of job-hopping in your background. If you’re worried about being considered a job-hopper, you can tweak your resume to deemphasize the number of times you’ve changed jobs.

Lacking Credentials

You don’t possess a required educational credential. Many jobs have a required level of education or equivalent experience. If you don’t meet those requirements, you may not be considered for the position.

Not A Match For The Job 

You were screened out by an automated system or a hiring manager because the language in your resume didn’t match the requirements listed in the job posting. It’s important to take the time to highlight the skills that qualify you for the position on your resume. Companies are too busy to take the time to figure out whether someone is a strong applicant. They are looking for you to show them why you’re qualified.


There is a perception by the employer that you are overqualified. Being overqualified can hurt your candidacy as much as being underqualified for a position. Use your cover letter to explain why you’re applying, your enthusiasm for the role, and what you can offer the organization.

Directions Were Not Followed

You didn’t supply all the information requested or follow the directions for the application. An easy way for employers to narrow the applicant pool is to eliminate the candidates who didn’t provide the requested information. If you couldn’t follow instructions when you applied, the employer may doubt that you would be able to follow instructions if you were hired. Make sure you’ve covered all the bases, especially when you apply online for a job.

Accomplishments Haven’t Been Included

Your resume and cover letter don’t reveal your accomplishments and don’t show how you have impacted the bottom line with prior employers. Using numbers to quantify your achievements is an excellent way to impress an employer.


There were grammatical and/or spelling errors in your documents. It’s not always easy to catch your own mistakes. Carefully proofread all your job application documents, and, if you can, have someone else look them over for you.

Lacking Job Qualifications. 

Your knowledge and skills don’t match the capabilities required to excel in the job, or you have not indicated how you have applied the desired skills. Take the time to match up the job requirements with your qualifications. You will show the hiring manager, at a glance, why you’re a good fit.

Cover Letter Was Very Common 

Your cover letter was generic and not tailored to the job. The goal of a cover letter is to sell your accomplishments. You should write about what you can offer the company, not what you want in a job. Be specific, and customize your cover letters so they highlight your best attributes.

Short Cover Letter 

Your cover letter was too brief, and the hiring manager assumed that you weren’t highly motivated to pursue the position. Be sure that your letter includes all the components of a successful cover letter, and is full of details about what you can offer the employer.

PS: If there’s anything more you’d like us to know about. Add it to the comments section!

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Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

Reasons You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

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