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How To Find Part Time Jobs In France

By UniCreds
April 24, 2021 •
How To Find Part Time Jobs In France

Did you know that at present there are over 250,000 international students studying in France? Almost 10% of enrollments here are international students. If we sit down to analyze why France is such a popular destination for international students, then the answer boils down to three main aspects. The first obviously being high quality of education, second, being reasonable tuition fees and the last one being that the much-renowned French way of life. However, financial restrictions can hold you back from enjoying the last aspect to the fullest. Let me help you out with that. This guide contains everything from rules and regulations to platforms that can help you fetch good part-time jobs in France. Thus, indirectly also helping you maximize the unforgettable experience that you will have in this glamorous country. 

Rules and Guidelines For Working While Studying | Part-Time Jobs in France

Being in a foreign country it is natural to be tensed about the laws and regulations pertaining to almost anything and everything. So, before I list down the various opportunities available, let’s hear what the laws have to say:

  1. All students in France are eligible to work in France.
  2. An international student from outside of the European Union can work for a maximum of 964 hours (i.e. 20 hours a week) in any given year provided,
    • The student has a valid residency permit.
    • The university they are working for does not have any objection to the same.
  3. Students pursuing a 6-month program are allowed to work for 472 hours
  4. The minimum hourly wage rate is set at €9.76 per hour (before taxes, after reducing the tax, the student makes approximately €7.61 per hour).
  5. A student can earn somewhere around €7900 per year. (This may not a huge sum but is a sufficient pocket allowance)
  6. A student can also apply for and get employment at the university s/he is studying in or any other higher institute/ university. Students at a university are offered a contract for one year that covers the period of 1 September through 31 August. The time is split in the manner
    • Maximum of 670 hours in the period between 1 September and 30 June (part-time)
    • Up to 300 hours between July 1 and August 31 (full-time).

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What Are The Part-Time Job Profiles in France?

1. Restaurant, Cafe, Bar Jobs

Paris is the cafe capital of the world. Needless to say, hence, working at cafes is the most popular part-time job in Paris. Assisting as a cashier, lending a helping hand to the chef are other viable options. There are several English and Australian bars in Paris, so English-speaking students can keep their lingo of “pints” and “bottles of wine” for a seamless working transition. 

2. Tour Guide 

France is the country of tourists. The tourism industry here is widespread and has high recruitment capacity. Specifically, the tour guide is one of the most popular part-time jobs in Paris, France.

3. Nanny 

Children are everywhere. Particularly in France, there are a huge number of families that seek a nanny to look after them during the afternoons or evenings. This is the most basic job profile that doesn’t need any skill set. Plus, this can be fulfilling, relaxing and a reliable source of income at all times.  It also happens to be one of the most popular part time job in France for Indian students.

4. English Tutor

A little teaching experience and you are set to rock here. Teaching English is the most popular part-time job in France for international students. English is the most widely spoken language (a reason why I am writing this in English and you are able to read it as well) and thus, in hot demand. If you are a native English speaker then your employment chances are sky-high.


Many other profiles such as retail worker, blogger and many others are also available. All of these profiles will help you build a network with the locals, improve language skills and pay you decent enough that you can explore this beautiful country.

How & Where To Find Part-Time Jobs in France?

1. Apply at the Universities itself

There are high chances that the university you study in has many part-time job openings. You can apply to get a research assistantship or a graduate assistantship with the university. They are usually open to masters/ research scholars. The job includes assisting the professors which could include taking tutorials, writing the literature, assisting in the research, etc.

You can also work at the university’s international office or the marketing office. These positions are offered for a 1-year tenure.  

2. Regularly Visit Online Portals 

Well, anything you need can be found online. Depending upon the profile you wish to apply for, relevant portals do exist. 

For general part-time jobs in France, you can constantly check GraduateLand, TotalJobs, Momji and many other similar portals.

For specific jobs, suppose if you want to be a nanny then agencies like Repertoire de Gaspard or websites like NewAuPair and GreatAuPair can help. 

3. Go to Job Fairs

Giving multiple interviews in one day at job fairs is a boon. It is a splendid chance to meet interviewers and create contacts. Grab these opportunities and amplify your score of getting a part-time job in France drastically. 

4. Deploy Your Networking and Alumni Connections

University Alumni connections and local networks along with friends are the best options to get notified about local job openings and the places where students often find part-time jobs. 

Recommended Reading: How To Get Part-Time Jobs in Paris

Tips To Find Part-Time Jobs in France

  • Take an ample amount of time to prepare a well-written structured CV and adapt it to the kind of job you are applying for. Tailor it to meet the French expectations.

  • Be careful with your e-reputation. Recruiters today are increasingly using social networks to gain an idea about the candidates that they are thinking of calling in. Make sure your public profiles look decent to any third person. 

That’s it for this blog. Hope I helped you to some extent and may you land a good part-time job soon. Good luck!

Recommended Reading: How To Find Part Time Jobs in the UK


Q1) how can I find a part time job in France? 

Ans- There are many ways to find a part-time job in France like -durectly applying through University, visiting online portals, and going to job fairs. 

Q.2) What are the part-time jobs in France for international students? 

Ans- There are bars, hotels, and cafe jobs, language tutor jobs, and if you are good with kids, then you might also get a Nanny job. 

Q3) Is it easy to get a part-time job in France? 

Ans- With the correct job searching approach and registering yourself on the right portal is something that eases off your job searching process. 

Q4) What is the part-time job salary for international students in France? 

Ans- International students in France can earn a minimum of €7.61 per hour, or €7,900 per year, working part-time. However, the minimum wage varies by job. 

Q5) Can students work for more than 20 hours in France? 

Ans- According to French law, international students are allowed to work for 21 hours per week. 

Thank you for reading this blog on ‘How to Find Part-Time Jobs in France’. If you enjoyed this blog then do check out our other blogs as well.

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