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January Intake Universities In The UK 2024-25 [Updated]

January written on the blocks kept on a blank wall to depict the Januay Intake 2024 blog.

The January intake universities in the UK, also known as the winter intake, offers a secondary admission choice for students who missed the September intake deadline. The admissions process for the January Intake Universities in 2024 is one of the most competitive in the world, and it is important to know what you need to do before applying. So if you have missed the September intake for the previous year, January is definitely your calling. This article will walk you through the different UK universities with January intake for postgraduate and undergraduate students. 

Before we break to you the January intake universities in the UK, let us first see the different intake seasons in the UK. 

January and February 2024 June to September 2023
September 2024February 2024
May 2024November to February 2023

Popular Universities In The Uk For January 2024 Intake

Many students want to begin their studies in January, but they mistakenly believe that the January session is shorter and has fewer modules; this is not the case. Because the most prestigious universities in the UK universities only have a limited number of seats available each academic year, the January intake is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for students who were unable to gain a spot during the previous September session.  

Here’s a list of the top January intake universities in the UK along with their latest rankings:

January Intake UK UniversitiesQS 2023 Ranking
University of Birmingham 84
Newcastle University601 – 650
Queen Mary, University of London145
The University of Bath148
University of Liverpool176
Brunel University343
Oxford Brookes University413
University of BedfordshireNA
Middlesex University661-670
University of Derby1001-1200
Kingston University601-610
London Metropolitan University901-950
Manchester Metropolitan University590
Newcastle University110
University of BuckinghamNA
University of Northampton1001 – 1200

Why Choose January Intake in UK?

Opting for the January intake in UK universities offers several compelling advantages:

Limited Competition: With fewer applicants, international students have a higher chance of securing admission to top universities.

Opportunity for Admission: Students who missed the fall intake deadline can still take advantage of a full academic year by applying in January.

Timely Job Market Entry: Graduating during the January intake aligns students with the right time for job opportunities, making them desirable skilled recruits.

When to apply for January Intake in the UK?

The application window for January 2024 intake courses in the UK falls between June and September 2023. However, there are still some things to consider if you hae missed applying-

Rolling admissions: Some universities, particularly for postgraduate programs, offer rolling admissions for January intake. This means they consider applications on an ongoing basis until vacancies are filled. Check with your desired universities to see if this applies to your chosen program.

Clearing: UK universities have a system called Clearing, where you can apply to unfilled positions after the main application deadlines. Clearing generally opens in July and runs until September.

Planning for Future Intakes: If you’re not able to apply for January 2024, you can start planning for the next January intake. The application window for this will likely open again in June 2024.

September 2024 intake: The application deadline for September 2024 intake is also approaching soon, generally falling between October 2023 and January 2024. You can still consider researching and applying for this intake if interested.

Here are some helpful resources to guide you:

  • UCAS: The official admissions service for UK universities. You can search for courses and see their application deadlines
  • UKCISA: The Council for International Students in the UK, provides information and advice for international students
  • Study in the UK: The official website for international students interested in studying in the UK

Available Courses For January Intake In The UK 2024

While courses available for universities with January intake in the UK can vary it covers a wide range of courses as follows: 

Popular Courses For January Intake 2024:

Postgraduate studies: Master’s degrees in various fields like business, management, engineering, education, and computer science are abundant. Specialised postgraduate diplomas and certificate programs are also offered.

Professional courses: MBA programs, teacher training courses, and other career-oriented qualifications are often available for January intake.

Foundation programs: These one-year preparatory courses help international students bridge the gap between their academic qualifications and UK entry requirements. They are especially common for undergraduate degrees in science, engineering, and medicine.

Pre-sessional English language courses: If you need to improve your English language skills to meet program requirements, many universities offer intensive pre-sessional courses starting in January.

Subject Areas For January Intake 2024:

While the specific courses offered vary by university, January intake generally covers a wide range of subjects including:

Business and Management: MBA, MSc Management, Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship

Science and Technology: Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

Arts and Humanities: English Literature, History, Art History, Music, Journalism, Languages

Social Sciences: Psychology, Sociology, Politics, Economics, Law

Education and Healthcare: Teaching, Nursing, Medicine, Public Health 

Application Process for UK January Intake 2024

Apart from documents and application form, there is a process to apply for January Intake to make the most out the time slab given to you before the first day of your joining in the University. The infographic given below will guide you through the timelines and the process that needs to be followed. 

So now you might have understood the January intake 2024 in detail. However, the cost of studying in the UK is quite high. At such times, UK scholarships for Indian students can be of great help to fund your studies in the UK. Let’s look at some frequently asked questions from the students.


Q1. Which universities in the UK offer January intake?

Edinburgh Napier University, Oxford Brookes University, Queen Mary University of London, Bangor University and The University of Bath are amongst the universities that offer January intake.

Q2. Is the Jan intake good? 

Ans: You can start your studies sooner with January intake. In addition, the application and preparation process will be more condensed. 

Q3. When should I start applying for January intake in the UK?

Ans:The application window for January intake courses will be open between June and September 2023, giving students ample time to gather the necessary documentation and application. 

Q4. When should I take IELTS for Jan intake?

Ans: For January intake 2024, you must aim IELTS exam for June or July 2023. 

Q5. Which season is January intake 2024? 

Ans: January Intake 2024 is in spring season, and is also known as spring intake. 

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January written on the blocks kept on a blank wall to depict the Januay Intake 2024 blog.

January Intake Universities In The UK 2024-25 [Updated]

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