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5 Exclusive Tips on How To Choose Where To Study Abroad

By UniCreds
May 19, 2021 •
Where To Study Abroad

Moving to a foreign country in order to pursue your higher studies is going to be one of the biggest decisions of your student life. Staying away from your family, exploring a new city, getting acquainted with an unknown culture, learning some new languages, making memories with friends from all over the world and many other things are just the beginning of the overwhelming experiences that await you. This is undoubtedly a life-changing experience. But how do you choose the country, city and university? There are tons of good courses offered at thousands of universities worldwide. This is why making the choice of where to study is rather complicated. It is important to research well and be well aware of the pros and cons of all the options available. Having been through this experience I can guide you well and tell you exactly how you should go about making the decision. These are some valuable tips on how to choose where to study abroad. 

Tips on How To Choose Where To Study Abroad

The graph above shows the huge numbers of international students present currently in top destinations (host countries). This shows you studying abroad is going to be one of the best decisions you ever make just like so many other studen. Picking the right destination is the key to making the most of your experience. That being said, let’s have a look at the lesser-known tips and help you get organised.

Note: Just a heads up that before we dive into choosing where to study abroad ensure that you are one hundred percent sure about the decision. You should consider studying abroad only if you like travelling to unfamiliar places and are comfortable being away from family and friends for an extended period of time. The reality is that studying abroad is a unique, adventurous opportunity that is new and will develop you as a student and person. 

How To Choose A Course To Study Abroad?

You are an individual with your own unique set of experiences and comfort zones. The first step while looking where to study abroad would definitely be identifying your interest and strengths. Was there a major that you really liked during your high school? Would you want to study that in-depth? It is this subject that you should take up for doing a Bachelor’s or a Master’s. If you never had an inclination then you should get started with intense research. Try knowing the basics of all the domains and if possible a few subjects included in these courses. Further, you can decide which courses align best with your interests and aspirations. Selecting the right course is an important criteria to consider when choosing where to study abroad.  

Read in-depth on this topic here: Top Courses to Study Abroad

How To Choose A Country To Study Abroad?

Once you have shortlisted the courses you wish to study, the next step would be to zero in on the location. Some countries are renowned for their expertise in specific fields and industries, so you’ll know where to go for world-leading teaching and research. Better yet if you have always wanted to go to specific countries or cities then it would be great to consider them now. This is your chance to tick these places off your travel bucket list while earning a top-quality education. If you are looking for affordable places then read this: Most Affordable Places to Study Abroad. After deciding the country you’d have to compare the universities. This is a crucial step so let’s analyse this in detail.


How To Study Abroad: Points To Remember

Since choosing the university is the most critical part of the entire process, hence we will do a quick run through the steps to choosing a university abroad. 

  • Research the most affordable degrees and universities 
  • Check International University Rankings 
  • Find out about the college links with the industries 
  • See if there are specific language-related conditions
  • Analyse the course content critically 
  • Glance through the internship opportunities
  • Explore the extra-curricular activities available on campus
  • Talk to the Admissions Team to know more about application requirements
  • Read the student experience and talk to a few Alumni on Linkedin 

Look For Support Network

If you have friends or relatives dotted across the globe then do consider choosing their home country. They might not live right on your doorstep but you know they will always be there if you need them. Likewise, nations with a huge number of international students indicate that you’ll find people with shared experiences and interests.

Explore The Career Opportunities

Another important one of all the tips on how to choose where to study abroad is that you should explore the career options. Even if you are planning on heading back home after the degree, do check the employment opportunities because it is possible that you may change your mind during the study period. Consider the graduate employment rate and explore the industries you could apply your skills to. Understand the scope of your selected course thoroughly. Also, see what the visa requirements and permanent residency conditions exist in the country. 

Put Finances To Place 

Now that you are sure about where to go and what to study, the next step is to procure finances. I know this is one of the obvious tips on how to choose where to study abroad.  But it is essential to elaborate on this point. You’ll have to find a destination that works around your finances, so it pays to look into typical tuition fees and living costs. It is never easy for any international student to find a student-centric loan. One that doesn’t just levy way too much interest and sincerely cares about your education. However, funding doesn’t necessarily make a hole in your pocket. In fact, studying in many countries often has lesser out-of-state tuition fees compared to traditional campus semesters. My suggestion is that you check out UniCreds. This is a one-stop solution for all your financial requirements to study abroad.

Alternatively, you could also look for various scholarships that can help you reduce the university fees based on your past academics. Again, here I would suggest you check out UniScholarz. Choose among thousands of scholarships across 100+ countries. When choosing your funding options, it’s important to remember to start early.

Talk To Your Support System 

Once you have finalised your decision and have a clear idea of how to decide where to study abroad, do consider consulting your support systems. Talk openly with your parents or academic counsellor. Seek their advice, opinions and suggestions. They know what’s best for you and would ensure you get the best. Studying abroad is a family decision, so take everyone’s perspective for the same. 

Last but not least of all tips on how to choose where to study abroad, it is wise to calculate the ROI (Return of Investment). This is an acronym for return on investment. See how much you are going to pour in and what you will be getting in return for it. Planning for the future is always beneficial. 

It may not be possible to find the exact destination you are looking for but you can always get a near-perfect location. Hope this article helped you. Good luck with your future. 

Thank you for reading this blog on Exclusive Tips on How To Choose A Country To Study Abroad. If you enjoyed reading this blog then do check out our following blogs as well. 

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