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Resume Building Tips

By UniCreds •
August 23, 2021 •
Resume Building Tips

Let me guess. You have a resume, but it’s not landing you the job interviews you really want. Maybe you’ve submitted your resume to dozens of companies. In this blog, I’m sharing a proven strategy that will help you as a student, achieve things like landing a job with good pay or even landing a job after looking for the perfect job/internship for months on end. If you want to see results and land your dream job and grow in a field you love then keep reading and learn those resume building tips!

5 Simple Resume Making Tips You Can Use Right Now

Resume Building Tips
Resume Building Tips

#1 Create A Stand Out Summary│Resume Building Tips 

This section needs to clearly identify who you are and what you have to offer in terms of credentials, experience, results, and even personality. It needs to communicate some value proposition. These are the problems you solve, and the skills you bring to the table. Think of your summary as a movie trailer, you want to give them a teaser into who you are but don’t give them the entire story. 

The summary section is like a sneak peeks, it makes some promises, then the rest of the resume is used as evidence to support the promises mentioned in the summary. There are 4 main components that make a stand-out summary. Let’s take a closer look so you can add these perfect resume building tips. 

  1. Title / Identifier – This can be the job title that you as the candidate are seeking
  2. Skills / Tagline – I recommend that you use at least 3 skills here. 
  3. Paragraph Of Information – You can mention details about what it is that you do and how you can help the company solve its greatest problems. 
  4. The Core Competencies Section – These will have keywords/keyword phrases that explain your expertise more in detail. 

#2 Add Job Description Paragraphs│Resume Building Tips

One way to make your resume stand out from all the others is by adding one to two sentences below the company name and job title that explains your main daily responsibilities or your position at a glance. These can be keywords or keyword phrases. This introductory paragraph can also be used to mention the main objectives of the company you worked for. 

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#3 Add Accomplishment Driven Bullet Points│Resume Building Tips

Follow the paragraph under each job posting with an accomplishment-driven bullet point. These bullet points become the backbone of your resume and they tell your hiring official what your greatest accomplishments are. We have other blogs you can check out for more information relating to such topics. Link below!

Let me quickly share with you the 3 part formula to write a strong accomplishment-driven bullet point. 

  1. Action Verb 


  1. Task 


  1. Result

Example 1

‘Increased customer base by 30% during the year 2018 due to the delivery of quick service.’

Example 2 

‘Created and maintained office forms and procedures to assist with administrative tasks.’

So in both of these examples, we start with some sort of Action Verb, followed by the Task that you performed, then followed by the result. You can always switch the result and the task. Hiring officials love quantifiable results. So anytime you can add some sort of number to a bullet point as mentioned above in the example for your reference. This is considered a massive bonus. 

#4 Make It ATS Optimized│Resume Building Tips

So ATS stands for the Applicant Tracking System. This is a system that companies sometimes use to send your resume through to see if you are a good match for the position. So to make sure your resume is ATS optimized you need to again make sure that you are using keywords and keyword phrases from the job posting, exactly from the job posting, and placing them in your resume. So you want to make sure that you’re learning the company lingo. What types of words is the company using in their job posting, and then transfer those into your resume. 


One company might use the word communication, another company might use the word communicator. You might even come across one company using the word customer engagement and another company using the word customer success. 

Make sure you follow the company lingo in your resume so that you can get past the applicant tracking system. This shows the company that you’re literally speaking their language. 

#3 Format It For Visibility│Resume Building Tips

So when it comes to the visibility of your resume, you want to make sure that you do not use tables, text boxes, columns, or even graphics. Now, these things look great on a resume but it’s always better to eliminate all the fluff and only include the data and information that you need to get your foot in the door for the interview. So making it look clean and sophisticated is the idea of building the perfect resume. 

Thank you for reading this blog called Resume Building Tips. If you enjoyed reading this blog and would like to continue reading more about colleges then do check out our following blogs.

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