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Acquire Study Abroad Skills Rather Than A Great Resume

By UniCreds
November 11, 2020 •
Study Abroad Skills

Studying abroad is growing in popularity day by day due to its plentiful career advantages and education benefits. It also provides you with a chance to see the world. It is not just excelling in academics but is a unique combination of learning, traveling, and exploring new things. One of the best parts about studying abroad is the skills you gain, as you can use them both in your employment and personal life. Here are some study abroad skills that you’ll acquire and will benefit you throughout your life.

Communication | Top Employment Skills

Typically, going to another country requires learning a new language, a skill that is in high demand in the workplace. Even if it is your native language, each country has its exceptional accents and vocabulary you have to know in order to communicate effectively.

Communication does not just apply to foreign language advancement. It also refers to general communication skills you will gain as you go through industry training from specialists and daily life with others in your group.

In the end, you will be better at conveying your ideas and thoughts and listening to other people’s opinions. Through your communication, you may also be able to network, which will help you get a job back home or in a foreign country after completing your studies. Hence, communication is one of the most important soft skills you will gain from studying abroad.

Cultural Awareness

A significant focus of your study abroad trip is on getting familiar with the culture and customs of the area. Cultural awareness will benefit you well in international relations and make you more employable. Experiencing new ways can make you more appreciative of people’s differences. There is also a probability of finding a new favorite food or vacation destination while you are studying abroad.

Adaptability | Amazing Skills You Can Gain By Studying Abroad

Going to a foreign place is not easy, though people find it adventurous. It takes some adaptability. In addition to a new language that is mandatory, you will have to adapt to:

  • Food
  • Weather
  • Transportation
  • Currency
  • Traditions
  • Laws
  • Companions

Even if you have visited the area before, new experiences and challenges will allow you to further advance that quality, along with flexibility. Real-life is uncertain and is always transforming, so being able to adjust to your environment will be helpful to you and desirable to employers. Thus, adaptability is one of the most crucial soft skills you will gain from studying abroad.

study abroad skills

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Courage | Skills You Gain From Studying Abroad

Moving to a new country and learning there takes courage. It can be frightening for some people to stay someplace where you do not know the customs, language, and people around you. Studying abroad gives you the chance to show your courage in every small way and will give you a chance to step out of your comfort zone. Completing a study abroad program will give you self-confidence that you are just as dedicated and persevering in unpleasant times as you are in pleasant ones.


Not every part of the study abroad trip is scheduled. Some of the time is yours to spend exploring. Sightseeing by yourself takes self-reliance. You will learn how to navigate your surroundings, ask strangers for help, and make decisions in unusual circumstances. Practicing these actions will inculcate self-assurance and will foster personal growth when you make mistakes. This is one of the study abroad skills you should focus on.

Self-awareness | Amazing Skills You Can Gain By Studying Abroad

Studying overseas helps you bolster self-awareness too as you examine your own beliefs and practices in the face of diversification. It can broaden your viewpoint and uncover unintentional biases. You can see the bigger picture of the world around you, recognizing problems you were unaware of and finding new things to be passionate about. 


You are likely to acquire these study abroad skills while dealing with challenges and facing them by yourself, leading to the acquisition of another practical aspect: the ability to solve problems. Life at work and home at times have a lot of problems, so practicing how to manage them while in an unexpected setting will make it easier to do so at another time when you feel uncomfortable. Problem-solving also happens to be one of the top employment skills. As a study abroad student, it also requires learning how to be inventive as you come up with solutions. This is one of the study abroad skills you should focus on.

Leadership | Skills You Gain From Studying Abroad

All of the above aspects are what form a great leader. Impressive leadership depends on communication, determination, confidence, intellectual and emotional strength, all of which you will get to exercise while studying abroad. You will also get to be around great leaders and interact with them. Also, encounter different types of leadership that you can follow.

No matter which country you choose for your study abroad or what is the duration of your stay, you can acquire versatile traits that will be beneficial for your job hunting, from business to STEM to social sciences. Being an international student and studying in a top-class university is not just about making your resume better, but being an all-rounder in all aspects, acquiring all the study abroad skills and being prepared for all the future endeavors.

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