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Credit Freeze Vs Credit Lock

By UniCreds
November 25, 2021 •
Credit Freeze Vs Credit Lock

Both credit freeze vs lock limit access to your credit reports. A credit lock, on the other hand, may be activated and deactivated instantaneously, but adding or removing a credit freeze needs a request to the credit bureau. Furthermore, credit freezes are free, whereas credit locks are only available as part of paid services from the three major credit agencies like Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.

Credit lock vs freeze are both tools that can assist prevent thieves from using your credit history for identity theft and other types of credit fraud. Applying a credit freeze vs lock at one of the major credit agencies prevents all access to your credit file, blocking credit checks, which are often the initial stage in processing loan or credit card applications.

If you’ve been a victim of identity theft or if you suspect your personal information has been stolen, compromised as a result of a data breach, or otherwise exposed to possible misuse, a credit freeze vs lock may be a good option. When this is not the case, a fraud notice is frequently a preferable option.

Credit Freeze Vs Credit Lock

Credit Freeze Vs Credit Lock

Below we will get to know the difference between lock vs freeze in credit.

What Is A Credit Freeze?

When you establish a security freeze on your credit report, the credit bureau gives you or allows you to create a PIN or password to use when removing the freeze.

Credit bureaus are required by law to initiate a credit freeze within 24 hours of receiving a request by phone or online, and to release a freeze within one hour of receiving a request accompanied by your PIN or password. If you forget your PIN or password, you can seek a reset from the credit bureau, but the one-hour time limit no longer applies.

Credit freezes are useful for preventing unlawful access to your credit file, but they also prevent authorised access to credit information. Because credit freezes restrict lenders from monitoring your credit, you’ll need to “thaw” them before applying for a loan or credit account.

They may interfere with your ability to acquire rapid credit authorizations at online or retail checkouts since they block credit checks, but they do not destroy your credit or have any effect on your credit ratings.

What Is A Credit Lock?

A credit lock, like a credit freeze, prevents anyone from accessing your credit report, but you may activate and deactivate it instantaneously using a specialised smartphone app or secure website. When you lock your credit file, there is no wait of up to 24 hours, and there is no delay of up to one hour when you unlock it, as there is with a credit freeze.

The security benefits of a credit lock are the same as those of a credit freeze, as are the restrictions on credit access: There is no unlawful access to your credit file, but there is also no legitimate access by new lenders to whom you are seeking for loans or credit.

The ability to activate and deactivate a credit lock instantaneously, without the time delays associated with the credit freeze procedure, can simplify the application process. So, if you’re at a point in your life where you expect to be applying for loans and credit on a regular basis, a credit lock may be far more handy than a credit freeze.

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When To Use A Fraud Alert?

A free option called a fraud alert is a less severe alternative to know the difference between credit freeze vs lock. Fraud alerts allow lenders to view your credit file, but each credit application or new account filed in your name must be verified before it is completed.

Fraud Alerts Are Classified Into Three Types:

  • Initial Fraud Alerts: While all fraud alerts are free, only the most basic one, known as an initial or temporary alert, can be set up by anybody, at any time, for any reason. If you believe your personal information has been compromised but haven’t yet confirmed it, for example, if a credit card goes missing, or if you see strange activity on a credit card or bank account but haven’t yet established if it’s illegal, you may wish to lodge a temporary fraud alert. A temporary fraud warning is valid for one year but can be extended indefinitely.
  • Active-Duty Fraud Alert: This form of fraud warning is likewise valid for one year and is intended for use by members of the United States military services who are on assignment away from home.
  • Extended Fraud Alert: This notice is valid for seven years and requires you to submit a copy of a fraud complaint you sent to a law enforcement agency.

All three forms of fraud alerts are automatically withdrawn when they expire, but you may remove one at any time before that by requesting it, just as you can end both, a credit freeze vs lock.

How To Eliminate A Credit Freeze And Credit Lock?

The PIN number or password you set up when you initiated your credit freeze is the quickest and easiest way to remove it. You can contact the credit bureau by phone or via its website’s credit freeze page. If you have frozen your credit at all three national bureaus, you must defrost it at each one independently. You’ll be able to thaw your credit permanently, temporarily lift the freeze, or obtain a one-time PIN or password to present to a creditor that needs access to your credit freeze file.

To remove a credit lock, just flick a virtual switch online or in an app offered by one of the credit bureaus. When access to your credit file is no longer necessary, just flip the switch back on to reapply the lock.

Credit freeze vs lock are very severe methods that entirely lock off your credit reports, blocking access by both criminal actors and potential lenders. They provide exceptional credit data protection, but utilising them when actively seeking new credit necessitates some cautious preparation.

PS: If there’s anything more you’d like us to know about. Add it to the comments section!

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