Having student loan debt following you like a shadow everywhere after you graduate is something that none of us like. Well, sometimes these debts may go above and beyond just debts to become a nightmare. In such critical situations, it may be wise to consult a student loan lawyer.
In this blog, you will learn everything about what a student loan lawyer is and when you should approach one. Let’s get started.
Choosing A Student Loan Lawyer Guide
Let’s understand everything about how you should choose the appropriate student loan lawyer step-by-step.
What Is A Student Loan Lawyer?
A student loan lawyer is a lawyer with specialised or advanced knowledge of the student loan domain.
They can help you navigate the complex world of student loans and simplify some tricky situations. They are well-versed with the federal and private student loans, their differences and most importantly the ways through the federal system. Student loan lawyers are the geniuses that can get individuals out of default and onto affordable repayment plans. They are the ones who know how to use the law with or without a lawsuit to make the system work for the borrower.
Note: A student loan lawyer is poles apart from a student loan debt relief agency. While the best student loan attorney will charge you a fee for their service, they provide much more essential assistance rather than doing what you could easily do yourself. Debt relief agencies merely sign up for income-driven repayment plans which is something you can do on your own for free. While a student loan lawyer will act as your legal advocate and negotiate with your loan servicer or even file a lawsuit if warranted.
Student Loan Lawyer Requirement
Before you go out looking for a student loan lawyer, it is necessary to understand how they are of assistance to you. Not everyone needs legal counseling, but given the correct situation, it could be a good investment.
Following are the ways in which a student loan lawyer can help you:
- They can provide you with legal advice and guidance after knowing your exact situation and guide you about your rights and options.
- They can represent your interests in communications or negotiations with an institution or individual. For example, a student loan holder, student loan servicer, debt collection agency or administrative body.
- They can protect you from unfair or abusive conduct by debt collectors and other agencies.
- A lawyer can represent you in court if needed.
- A lawyer can also help you resolve delinquencies or defaults or apply for loan discharge.
- They can handle credit disputes.
Student loan lawyers can help you with the nuances of private student loans, too. Also, if you’re dealing with delinquency or default or considering filing for bankruptcy, a student loan lawyer may be able to help.
Don’t forget to read: Student Loans and Bankruptcy
Should You Hire A Student Loan Lawyer?
Now that you know how a student loan lawyer can help, the next obvious question is – should you hire one? Is it the right time? Let’s find out.
Generally, only rare matters compel you to hire an attorney. Even filing for bankruptcy or defending against a lawsuit can be done without legal representation. However, just like every person is different, every situation is different as well. Whether you should contact a student loan lawyer really depends on your specific circumstances.
Recommended Reading: Lawsuits for Private Student Loans
While you may not necessarily need a student loan lawyer, hiring one can be of huge help if you are feeling overwhelmed and require some assistance dealing with your specific situation. Student loan lawyers can share their expertise and offer solutions — solutions that aren’t very easy to figure out on your own.
Where Can You Find An Affordable Student Loan Attorney?
If you have finally decided that hiring an attorney is the right choice for you, finding one may be challenging. Hence, here is a list of resources to simplify the process.
- National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA)
- National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA)
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
- Lawyer review websites
You will be happy to know that referring to these resources will significantly lower your student loan lawyer costs.
However, if you don’t feel you’re ready to resort to an attorney yet, consider doing extensive research on your own and exploring as much as you can. Once you exhaust all of the available online resources you may want to consider talking to your loan provider to reiterate the possible options lying ahead.
Also Read: How To Refinance Federal Student Loans
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Thank you for reading this blog ‘Student Loan Lawyer – When Should You Hire One?’. If you enjoyed reading this blog and would like to continue reading more about student loans then do check out our following blogs.