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MBA In International Business – A Guide

By UniCreds
September 30, 2021 •
MBA In International Business

What Is International Business?

Technology advancements, inventive methodologies, and improved communication have propelled the business to new heights. As a result, industries have expanded their reach to markets beyond their own country’s borders. All commercial transactions, both public and private, that take place among countries are referred to as international businesses. International trade has existed since the dawn of civilization, even though the word “international business” is a relatively new notion. A degree in MBA in International Business caters to this domain.

Degree In MBA In International Business

An international business degree is a widely sought-after course today. It would not exist or evolve as it does without highly educated, top performers eager to work in the competitive global business field. Those who want to pursue or currently have positions in international business must think globally. They must have the drive to learn about other cultures and want to broaden their business possibilities. Learning the skills and information needed to manage global corporate environments, deal with multicultural and international concerns, and solve problems through critical thinking is crucial to keeping international companies moving forward.

International Business Regulations & Best Practices

While candidates in a somewhat more typical business school might select a concentration, such as entrepreneurship or corporate accounting, students who take an international business major will have their concentration selected for them. Instead of focusing on one of those fields, they will take lectures that focus on the nuances of doing business internationally. Professors will discuss corporate cultures in other countries, as well as how international corporations are structured to facilitate travel and negotiation. Students will learn the fundamentals of European, Asian, American and African economies. They’ll study how to manage corporate headquarters in various nations throughout the world, as well as the secrets to effective national colloquies.

Now that we have extensive knowledge of the subject, this guide will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about MBA in International Business. We will learn about them one by one:

  1. Best schools for a degree in International Business
  2. How to apply and get selected for accredited programmes
  3. How to choose between online and traditional degree programmes
  4. How to secure Scholarships and other sources for paying the tuition fees
  5. Career options after getting an International Business Degree

Best schools for a degree in international business

University Of South Carolina (Moore)

#55 in Best Business Schools (Source: Usnews)

#25 in Part-time MBA

Quick Stats
Enrollment (Full Time)55
Tuition For The Total Programme$60,385
Application DeadlineApril 15

Harvard University

#5 in Best Business Schools

Quick Stats
Enrollment (Full Time)1,538
Tuition For The Total Programme$73,440
Application DeadlineJan. 5

Florida International University

#110-143 in Best Business Schools

#106 in Part-time MBA

Quick Stats
Enrollment (Full Time)49
Tuition For The Total Programme$47,000
Application DeadlineJuly 1

Georgetown University (McDonough)

#21 in Best Business Schools

#14 in Part-time MBA

Quick Stats
Enrollment (Full Time)509
Tuition For The Total Programme$57,850
Application DeadlineApril 26

New York University (Stern)

#10 in Best Business Schools

#4 in Part-time MBA

Quick Stats
Enrollment (Full Time)668
Tuition For The Total Programme$76,789
Application DeadlineMarch 15

Due to the competitive nature of college admissions, students who are interested in enrolling in a quality accredited international business school must take some steps to secure the desired outcome while applying. The following are the most important procedures that students must do to be accepted into the programme.

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How To Apply And Get Selected For Accredited Programmes

Academic Records & Extracurricular Achievements

The submission of a copy of academic records is a crucial component of the application procedure. Business schools look at the potential student’s academic background to see if she or he is a good fit for the programme. Before submitting a transcript, it should be thoroughly reviewed to ensure that it is free of errors. A high school counsellor can assist students in navigating this procedure and ensuring that the transcripts are received by the universities.

Submission Of An Essay

College admissions authorities usually place a high value on a prospective student’s essay. They get a better understanding of the applicant’s personality and character from the essay. A strong essay may even be more important than academic records and standardised test results, as it indicates very much about an individual of all the sections of an application. In most cases, forthrightness is what universities seek in an essay. They are not looking for an essay that tries to wow them, but rather one that demonstrates how the prospective student can contribute to the campus atmosphere.

Submitting A Letter Of Reference

In addition to sending transcripts to universities, the school advisor may be asked to write a letter of recommendation for them. As a result, college students ought to know their counsellors so that they may highlight their unique skills while completing an application. Some colleges will pay close attention to the letter of recommendation as part of the application to determine if the applicant is a good fit for the institution.

Preparation For The Interview

Some institutions permit or demand an interview to gain a deeper understanding of the prospective student and her or his objectives. Similarly to the essay, the purpose of an interview should not be to dazzle the college, but rather to tell the truth about one’s skill set and goals. Because universities strive to create a multicultural area that will liven the campus. They will select potential students with a variety of characteristics and abilities that will balance one another.

Students can increase their chances of being accepted into the international business degree programme that best suits them by following these tips.

The student should also write brief letters to the universities that have denied them by thanking them for their time.

Choosing Between Online And Traditional Degree Programmes

Many excellent business administration curricula are now available via online courses, and there is no doubt about their quality and legitimacy. In fact, according to a recent Sloan Consortium survey, 62% of those polled believe that students learn better from online courses than from traditional and in-class settings.

When it comes to online international business courses, however, a different picture emerges as to whether they are comparable to on-site courses. Several significant advantages and disadvantages emerge, and it is these distinctions that we will now focus on.

Sources & Tips To Secure Scholarships For International Business Programme

Scholarships and financial aid for a bachelor’s or master’s degree in international business typically necessitate thorough research and the discovery of different resources. Let us check out some of them below!

Federal Scholarships & Grants

Every student, irrespective of the programme, should make a concerted effort to take advantage of federal funding when it is available. This financial application is started by submitting a FAFSA form to the government through the financial office of a specific institution or university. The FAFSA allows a student to apply for Perkins Grants, Pell Grants, state government grants, and sponsored school loans without having to achieve a certain grade level. The grants themselves can range anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 more a year. Grants are government-funded funds, and discounted loans allow students to borrow money without paying interest until they graduate.

Private Scholarship

There are a variety of private scholarships available for certain reasons and groups, assisting students who meet these criteria in continuing their studies. If a student discovers a prospective scholarship match, they should apply for it. Many of the rewards are small, ranging from $1,000 to $2,500, but they can help with textbooks or perhaps even pay for a term of college when clubbed with other scholarships. Some international business scholarship examples include:

School Specific Scholarships

Some financial aid is only available through certain schools and colleges. The restriction is deliberate, and it is intended to aid in the development of an international business programme inside a certain educational institution and the recruitment of top students. Depending on which university a student attends, she or he will be eligible to apply for resources that other students will not be able to compete for. This decreases the number of prospective winners and raises the chances of the eligible applications being chosen. The following are some examples of such programmes:

  • Pollo & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
  • Knight Hennessy Scholars Program at Stanford University

Student Honor Groups and Membership Awards

If a student joins a particular honours society or association while still in school, she or he can be eligible for numerous scholarships from that group. Among the many examples inlabourLet’s this approach are the following:

  • The International Business Honors Society Scholarship
  • The Rotary Foundation Scholarship

School guidance counsellors, the Web, college boards, prospective colleges, and occasionally even private enterprises are the greatest and most productive means a student can utilise to locate international business programme scholarships. Best of all, you can start looking for scholarships from anywhere with an internet connection. A website lists almost every major scholarship that comes from a reliable source.

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What Can I Do With My MBA In International Business Degree?

Because of the worldwide aspect of business, many undergraduate students and MBA applicants are considering programmes with an international concentration. These schools lead to a variety of lucrative employment prospects, all of which are on the rise as a result of the increased number of multinational corporations and politically advantageous trade deals.  

An international business degree is required for everything from supply chain management to international legislation and client investments. Graduates will be prepared to seize new and interesting work chances that will lead to a long and rewarding career with a strong education in international laws, rules, customs, and dialects.

Career options for MBA graduates

1. International Marketing Positions

Businesses are increasingly discovering that they must tailor their marketing strategy to each distinct market they touch. This is especially true for companies that service a diverse range of countries, including different cultural groups, as well as other viewpoints from around the world (Eastern and Western). A global marketing expert uses the skills obtained in an international business programme to create culturally responsive tactics for each target population and nationality.

2. Foreign Trade (Internal and External)

Though global business is becoming the conventional way of doing things for today’s rising businesses, it is not always simple. Because practically every company has its own set of laws, standards, and best – practices for dealing with imports or experts.  Many multinational corporations require a dedicated team of professionals analysing national rules as well as trade treaties to verify that the company is operating legally.

3. International Investment Advising

While business has long been a worldwide phenomenon at its top standards, many companies and individual investors are still unfamiliar with foreign investments. Those with a degree in international business are often qualified to work as foreign investment advisors. They can direct their clientele toward sensible investments that segregate their portfolio from volatility and grasp the potentially profitable investment chances offered in developing economies by using their expertise in certain foreign economies and markets.

4. Licensing Services

Businesses that want to expand internationally are frequently required to get licences and regulations from the foreign country where they are establishing new headquarters. International business graduates are ideal candidates for this position since they already have a deep awareness of local rules, customs, and even the language spoken by individuals in powerful positions. They’ll be ideal for negotiating, filing papers, and ensuring a more efficient licensing procedure that keeps the company in compliance with local legislation.

5. Supply Chain Management

The supply chain, as most business students are aware, is becoming increasingly reliant on intercultural context, cooperation, and compliance. Managing a worldwide supply chain is no easy undertaking, but students with MBA in Internation business are the finest candidates to step up and take on the challenge. Those in full control of the global supply chain will make it more efficient, improve labour conditions, and help the company abide by both domestic and international laws related to the development, fabrication, and buyout of their product by using knowledge about the local language, city ordinances, and traditional management strategies.

International business is an excellent field to enter into whether one wants to be an international banker or simply interpret company documents. It only needs the necessary degree and a strong mentality to succeed.

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