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How to Save Money as a Student

By UniCreds
August 12, 2021 •
Save Money as a Student

The life of a student runs on a budget. Wondering how to save money as a student? Don’t know where to start? Everything seems a lot more complicated? Don’t stress about it, this blog will guide you through it and help you with several ways from which you can save money and even make some. Stretch your dollar further with these clever tips and tricks!

Read On To Learn How To Save Money As A Student

  1. Don’t Impulse Purchase Anything

Every month make sure you set goals of your needs and wants and create a budget. This will help you buy only those items that you need and your shopping cart will not be filled with unnecessary stuff. Revisit your list, again and again, to clear out things that you don’t need.

  1. Buy Or Rent Used Books

We all have seniors who are ready to sell their used books at discounted prices. Connect with them and buy books at a much lower cost, here you will save quite a considerable amount of money. When you move to your sophomore year, you can even sell your used books and make some cash to buy necessary things and finance your last semester

  1. Cook Your Food

You will not believe the amount of money you will save when you cook your own meal. Spending money on cafes and restaurants regularly will dig a hole in your pocket. Cooking is not only economical but also healthier. Here you take care of your budget as well as your health. 

  1. Cut Out The Vices

Do you binge drink and smoke? Well, it is a terrible thing to do but also very expensive. Cut it out!

  1. Use Public Transport Instead Of Buying A Car

Many students wish to buy a car for convenience but even if you have a car, opt for public transport as it will save you a lot of money, and vehicle maintenance does not come into the picture. A car is a liability at the end of the day.

  1. Live With Your Friends To Split Rent & Utilities

Living with your friends is a great idea when we think about all the fun things we can do together but at the same time, it is very useful and can help you in the long run. If you live with your friends then you all can divide the rent and the cost that goes behind utilities. 

  1. Shop With Student Discounts

Yes, many stores and brands like Nike offer student discounts. Make sure you shop from them to save you 10% or sometimes even 40% if you are lucky. Show your school ID and they will help you with a discount. 

  1. Go For A Campus Gym Than A Gym Outside

A gym membership is quite expensive. Almost every campus today has a gym and most of them offer it for free or at reduced prices for their students. Visit yours and learn about the membership plan!

  1. Pay Bills On Time To Avoid Late Fees

Yes, university life is hectic which means you tend to forget a lot of things amidst your classes and homework. Make sure you have specific dates marked and reminders set that help you with paying bills on time. If you fail to do so, late fees might pinch you and affect your budget. 

  1.  Cut Out Cable Packages

You are anyway very busy with college and assignments, a cable package will only add up to the unnecessary expenses, cut it out and go for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.

  1. Skip Expensive Summer Breaks

Of course, you need a summer break but that does not mean you choose to go on the most expensive trip that costs you way too much money. Maybe plan it and book tickets way before so you can cut down on that cost and visit a cost-effective place where you can enjoy and have a good time. 

  1.  Make Your Coffee

Skipping a Starbucks coffee can save you at least $5 every day. Making your own coffee wouldn’t even cost more than a dollar or two. 

  1.  Don’t Buy Music

Music will be an important part of your life when you study in college. You listen to it almost every day. Don’t go for paid music services, rather choose apps like Spotify that let you play for free and listen to podcasts that help you!

Studying in university is a great experience, you learn a lot of things that you don’t learn when you are in high school. Here you face many other responsibilities, so it becomes even more important to save money wherever possible. Saving money will help you during times when you have a sudden plan and need to go somewhere or when you face an unavoidable expense. Happy spending! 

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